lager uart
Connect to UART on a DUT.
lager uart [OPTIONS]
- --gateway, --dut <gateway>
ID of gateway to which DUT is connected
- --serial-device, --serial-port <path>
Gateway serial port device path
- --baudrate <baudrate>
Serial baud rate
- --bytesize <bytesize>
Number of data bits
- Options
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
- --parity <parity>
Parity check
- Options
none | even | odd | mark | space
- --stopbits <stopbits>
Number of stop bits
- Options
1 | 1.5 | 2
- --xonxoff, --no-xonxoff
Enable/disable software XON/XOFF flow control
- --rtscts, --no-rtscts
Enable/disable hardware RTS/CTS flow control
- --dsrdtr, --no-dsrdtr
Enable/disable hardware DSR/DTR flow control
- --test-runner <test_runner>
End the UART session when end-of-test is detected
- Options
none | unity | fixture | ptty
- -i, --interactive
Run as an interactive TTY session
- --message-timeout <message_timeout>
Max time in seconds to wait between messages from API.
- --overall-timeout <overall_timeout>
Cumulative time in seconds to wait for session output.
- --eof-timeout <eof_timeout>
Time in seconds to wait before closing connection after input EOF received
- --display-job-id
- --line-ending <line_ending>
Line ending for input - determines the bytes sent to the Device Under Test when you press Enter or Return
- Options
- --opost, --no-opost
Enable implementation-defined output processing for your local output terminal. Typically this will convert n to rn on output
- Default
- --serial-channel <serial_channel>
Select a specific UART channel (for use with Test Fixture)
- --fake-tty
Create a fake serial port (linux ptty)
- Default