
lager testrun

Flash and run test on a DUT connected to a gateway

lager testrun [OPTIONS]


--gateway, --dut <gateway>

ID of gateway to which DUT is connected

--serial-device, --serial-port <path>

Gateway serial port device path

--baudrate <baudrate>

Serial baud rate

--bytesize <bytesize>

Number of data bits


5 | 6 | 7 | 8

--parity <parity>

Parity check


none | even | odd | mark | space

--stopbits <stopbits>

Number of stop bits


1 | 1.5 | 2

--xonxoff, --no-xonxoff

Enable/disable software XON/XOFF flow control

--rtscts, --no-rtscts

Enable/disable hardware RTS/CTS flow control

--dsrdtr, --no-dsrdtr

Enable/disable hardware DSR/DTR flow control

--test-runner <test_runner>

End the UART session when end-of-test is detected


Run as an interactive TTY session

--message-timeout <message_timeout>

Message timeout

--overall-timeout <overall_timeout>

Overall timeout

--hexfile <hexfile>

Hexfile(s) to flash. May be passed multiple times; files will be flashed in order.

--binfile <binfile>

Binfile(s) to flash. Syntax: --binfile <filename>,<address> May be passed multiple times; files will be flashed in order.

--elffile <elffile>

Elf file(s) to flash. May be passed multiple times; files will be flashed in order.

--preverify, --no-preverify

If true, only flash target if image differs from current flash contents

--verify, --no-verify

Verify image successfully flashed

--success-regex <success_regex>

Line regex for detecting a successful test. Will be passed to Python's re.compile

--failure-regex <failure_regex>

Line regex for detecting a failed test. Will be passed to Python's re.compile

--mcu <mcu>

MCU to target