
Scan for devices

lager ble scan

The lager-cli tool will run a bluetooth scan on your gateway and return a list of devices in range:

➜  ~ lager ble scan
Name                          Address   rssi
Hatch Rest          D9:B7:C3:8C:50:5D    -82
24-54-3A-88-DC-79   24:54:3A:88:DC:79    -76
40-08-3E-23-80-D0   40:08:3E:23:80:D0    -89
44-9A-10-71-F0-57   44:9A:10:71:F0:57    -82
4A-36-E4-68-66-D7   4A:36:E4:68:66:D7    -86
4C-CF-5F-29-F3-4B   4C:CF:5F:29:F3:4B    -77
4C-DE-DB-53-5F-00   4C:DE:DB:53:5F:00    -82
5C-A5-09-80-4B-B2   5C:A5:09:80:4B:B2    -90
FC-03-9F-64-39-AD   FC:03:9F:64:39:AD    -57

By default the scan timeout will be 5 seconds, but this can be overridden with the --timeout parameter.

The output can also be filtered with the --name-exact or --name-contains parameters:

➜  ~ lager ble scan --timeout 3 --name-contains hatch
Name                          Address   rssi
Hatch Rest          D9:B7:C3:8C:50:5D    -83