
Reading from UART

This will return one line of available data from the specified UART channel, if available.

from lager_fixture import LagerFixture

fixture = LagerFixture()
uart_channel = 0

data = fixture.uart_rx(channel, block=True, timeout=1)
print(f"Data: {data}")

Note: you can also have UART data printed directly to the console when received without calling uart_rx by using fixture = LagerFixture(print_uart=True)

Writing to UART

This will write arbitrary strings to the specified UART channel. Note: at the present time, baud rate must be configured in firmware.

from lager_fixture import LagerFixture

fixture = LagerFixture()
uart_channel = 0

fixture.uart_tx(channel, "Hello, world!")

Transferring data from/to SPI

This will write arbitrary data to the specified SPI channel and return an equal number of bytes read from the peripheral. Note: at the present time, SPI speed and mode must be configured in firmware.

from lager_fixture import LagerFixture

fixture = LagerFixture()
spi_channel = 0
chip_select_pin = 5
data = "hello"

data = fixture.spi_xfer(spi_channel, chip_select_pin, data)
print(f"SPI Received: {data}")

Reading from I2C

This will read a specified number of bytes from a target I2C device connected to a specified I2C channel.

from lager_fixture import LagerFixture

fixture = LagerFixture()
i2c_channel = 0
target_address = 0x40
bytes = 2

data = fixture.i2c_rx(i2c_channel, target_address, bytes)
print(f"I2C Received: {data}")

Writing to I2C

This will write arbitrary data to a target device connected to the specified I2C channel.

from lager_fixture import LagerFixture

fixture = LagerFixture()
i2c_channel = 0
target_address = 0x40
data = "hello"

fixture.i2c_tx(i2c_channel, target_address, data)