Bitbucket Pipelines

1. Update your bitbucket-pipelines.yml to include a Lager step

    - step:
        name: Lager
        image: lagerdata/lager-cli@v0.1.41
        script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
          - lager connect --device nrf52 --interface ftdi --transport swd --gateway majestic-moose --force
          - lager testrun --serial-device /dev/ttyACM0 --hexfile test-example.hex --gateway majestic-moose
  1. Add LAGER_SECRET_TOKEN as a secure repository variable

Image of repository page with arrow pointing to "Repository settings".

On your repository page, click "Repository settings"

Image of repository settings page with arrow pointing to "Repository variables".

Scroll down on the left side and click "Repository variables"

Image of repository variables page LAGER_SECRET_TOKEN filled in for name, and a starred-out value.

For the name, enter LAGER_SECRET_TOKEN. The value can be retrieved from your account page. Make sure "Secured" is checked.

Image of repository variables page after clicking "Add".

Click "Add" to save your repository variable